A Psalm For The Wild Built by Becky Chambers

This 160 page novella takes place on Panga, a moon with one continent, half wilderness and half human inhabited. It’s a utopian world, where humans live in harmony with themselves and nature and everyone’s feelings and needs are considered. Sibling Dex, a monk, is tired of the buzz of city noises and wants to travel somewhere quiet and natural. Monks are called Sibling rather than Brother or Sister. The author uses gender-neutral pronouns to describe Dex, who seems quite comfortable and accepted by others.

Dex, seeking personal fulfilment, decides to leave and travel to villages outside the city to do tea service, namely, listening to people’s problems, while serving them tea. In this considerate world, the smallest of a person’s problems or anxieties are dealt with. Dex travels the circuit of villages for at least two years, becoming good at listening and mixing appropriate blends of teas to help calm/comfort villagers, who come to appreciate his skill as a tea monk. But after all this time, Sibling Dex is still restless: something is still missing. Dex still yearns for quiet and stillness.

Seeking out almost extinct crickets, and ignoring his mapping guide, Dex ventures into the uninhabited zone of the forest to find an abandoned monastery, where he meets robot, Mosscap. Long ago, when the factory age ended with humans living in sync with nature, robots decided they wanted to live apart from humans to see if they could survive on their own. They left leaving a Parting Promise, that one day, if needed, they would return to serve humans. Mosscap has been sent by the robots on a scouting journey, to find out how humans are coping without them and to ask the question, ‘What do humans need?’

They decide to help each other by travelling together. Mosscap, familiar with the wilderness, will help Dex get to the abandoned monastery and Dex will help Mosscap travel through the villages and the city. It’s during their travelling together this novella shines, with dialog exchanged between these two characters. They share histories, insights and opinions while getting to know each other and teaching each other new things. As they speak, we learn about the world and civilization of Panga.

The book ends with Dex and Mosscap reaching the remote monastery and making plans for their journey back to the villages. Book two, coming in July 2022, A Prayer For The Crown Shy, continues their journey. I will definitely be reading it. But first you all need to read A Psalm For The Wild Built by this wonderful author, Becky Chambers.